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SEND Support

At Phoenix St Peter Academy, all children are valued and achievements are celebrated through a caring, positive and stimulating approach. We are committed to providing for each pupil the best possible environment for learning in order to achieve their full potential.

Our policy for pupils with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities is therefore an integral part of the whole school’s ethos. In implementing the policy, we strive to ensure that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum and we provide a differentiated curriculum appropriate to the pupil’s individual needs and ability.

We believe that it is the collective responsibility of the school to ensure that there is a consistency of approach to meeting the needs of all children, and that each child’s special educational needs and or disabilities are identified early. Our curriculum is differentiated through bespoke provision to meet the needs of all children and the Equality Act 2010 and SEND 2014 regulations.

Phoenix St Peter Academy provides a focus on outcomes for children and not just hours of provision and support. We know that life can at times be complex and challenging, and we are ready to support children and families during the more difficult times.  

We are committed to ensuring that all children:
  • participate fully within the curriculum
  • engage fully enrichment opportunities
  • have access to all information facilities and services which we offer
Our SEND Information Report can be found at the bottom of this page.

Phonix St. Peter's SEND Coordinator & SEND Governor

Our SEND Coordinator at Phoenix St. Peter is Mrs. Terri Freeman, who is also our Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Mrs. Freeman may be contacted by email at:
Our SEND Governor is Mrs. Samantha Belson, who can be contacted by email at:

Our SEND Offer

At Phoenix St. Peter Academy we ensure that we follow the statutory government document called SEND Code of Practice 2015.  As part of the SEND Code of Practice we follow an 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' cycle, a minimum of three times a year.

  • Assess-  Teachers, SENCO and/or support staff assess each child to identify where they are in their learning. The type of assessments that take place depend on the individual child and their needs.
  • Planning – Targets are then identified through assessments, as well as professional and  parent  knowledge of the pupil’s needs.  Pupil voice is also captured. These targets are written down in a learning plan.   During the learning plan review meetings parents discuss their child’s learning and targets with their class teacher. If a child is supported by an outside agency we also follow their advice when planning provision for pupils.
  • Do –  We implement the provision as agreed.
  • Review -Assessments, observations and teacher assessments take place throughout the term. The learning plan is annotated and altered if needed. During the next learning plan review meeting, we discuss the progress that has taken place and celebrate successes that have happened. If we are concerned regarding a pupils progress or needs outside agency support is sought following a graduated approach.
Our SEND Information Report can be found at the bottom of this page.

Transition at Phoenix and 'Secondary Readiness'

At Phoenix St. Peter Academy children are supported well through our core values which are underpinned by our strong SEND, Pastoral, Behavioural, Early Help and Wellbeing offer, which every child and family has access too. 

All families who join Phoenix receive a Welcome Pack which includes a comprehensive Prospectus. On confirmation of admission they are invited for a visit to view the school, and to meet their class teacher, other key members of staff and some of the children.

Each class has an experienced class teacher and learning support assistant, who will support a positive start for every child. They will spend time with a new joiner to find out their likes and hobbies and will introduce a friendship circle, in addition to understanding their approach to learning.

All children are encouraged to participate in school life and our very many after-school enrichment activities which help children to integrate, enjoy, and thrive at Phoenix St. Peter Academy.

Children who have special educational needs and or disabilities are supported through our SEND Offer to meet their individual needs, EHCPs or ILPs. Children and their families will meet our SENCo to discuss their needs and to ensure that all children are fully supported and their learning progresses.  SEND Surgeries are available on request.

Children joining our school in Reception are supported through a number of transition sessions in the last few weeks of the summer term ahead of their September start. These include morning and afternoon sessions offering children the opportunity to experience school life at different times of the day, including a school lunch with their parent or carer.  

Children joining 'In Year' are invited to visit the school and to meet their Class Teacher and SENCo, which provides the child and family with a strong start and an opportunity to discuss concerns or worries. If a child joins us with SEND their EHCP/ILP will be reviewed, planned and implemented at Phoenix by our SENCo, who will ensure all historic SEND information is received from the transferring educational setting.

In Year Transition is managed well at Phoenix. During the last few weeks of the summer term, each class has a number of soft transition sessions with fun activities in their new year group, classroom, teacher and learning support assistant, offering them the opportunity to get to know their new surroundings in a supported, engaging way.

Secondary readiness is incredibly important for all children's transition to high school to protect their wellbeing and attendance. We have strong collaborative links with our local high schools as well as those further afield, with children regularly attending sports tournaments and festivals through the North Suffolk Sports Partnership, as well as other high school enrichment days when available.

The Year 7 Leads at our local high schools visit our Year 6 children during the summer term to introduce themselves, talk about high school, explain what is different and how the children will be supported.  For children with SEND, this will also include a meeting with our SENCo, to discuss children's specific educational needs, with all SEND information being transferred to the receiving school in the first week of September. Children are also given the opportunity to attend transition sessions at their chosen high school to provide familiarisation.

If you have a complaint regarding our SEND Support

If you are a parent of a child with SEND at our school, and you feel we have not fully administered our duty of care under the requirements of SEND, please do not hesitate to contact our SENDCO, Mrs. Terri Freeman, above. Further details on our Complaints procedure, can be found below.

Admission arrangements for Pupils with SEND

To ensure that we can full accommodate your child's needs, parents should inform the school via the school’s In Year Admission Form of any special educational needs and disabilities.

Our experienced Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is informed and, if the child has an EHCP, a formal meeting is set up with the parent, Headteacher and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator to discuss whether the school can meet the needs of the child.

  • The site manager is informed if any adjustments to the school building need to be made e.g. further ramps, toilet facilities, heights of chairs and tables etc.
  • Resource implications are discussed – both staffing and equipment.
  • The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator from the previous school is contacted.
  • The child’s needs are discussed and his or her SEND records are requested.
  • Liaison with outside agencies takes place and the class teacher is consulted.
  • An individual education plan is put in place prior to your child joining the school and is shared with all relevant staff.
  • Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator attends regular training which she or he cascades to other members of staff through school PD Days.  Staff also attend a range of courses to ensure that they have the expertise to support the pupils in their care.

Admission arrangements for pupils with disabilities

To ensure that we can fully accommodate your child's needs, parents should inform the school via the school’s In Year Admission Form. The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is informed and, if the child has an EHCP, a formal meeting is set up with the parent, Headteacher and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator to discuss whether the school can meet the needs of the child.

  • The site manager is informed if any adjustments to the school building need to be made e.g. further ramps, toilet facilities, heights of chairs and tables etc.

  • Resource implications are discussed – both staffing and equipment.

  • The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator from the previous school is contacted.

  • The child’s needs are discussed and his or her SEND records are requested.

  • Liaison with outside agencies takes place and the class teacher is consulted.

  • An individual education plan is put in place on admittance.

  • Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator attends regular training which she or he cascades to other members of staff through school PD Days.  Staff also attend a range of courses to ensure that they have the expertise to support the pupils in their care.

Please visit our Policy Page, SEND Information Offer and Early Help Offer below.

Thrive Approach Practitioners

We offer trained and accredited Thrive Approach Practitioners at our school.

  • The Thrive Approach provides those who work with children and young people with the knowledge, skills and tools to optimise social and emotional development, focusing on the relationship with the child or young person so that they are able to engage fully in the educational journey, and are emotionally resilient and better equipped to deal with life’s ups and downs. 


ADHD Specialists

Our Teaching Staff have specialist experience and knowledge in ADHD,

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity-Disorder (ADHD) is currently defined as a Social, Emotional & Mental Health developmental disorder where all clinical criteria are behavioural, inattentiveness, overactivity and impulsiveness are presently regarded as the main clinical symptoms.

Attachment Specialists

Our Teaching Staff have specialist experience and knowledge in Attachment...

  • Avoidant: Experiencing emotional highs and lows in relationships.
  • Ambivalent: Views love in an obsessive way, with strong need for constant reciprocation and validation, along with emotional highs and lows.
  • Disorganised: Seeking comfort, may not keep themselves or others safe.

Dyslexia Specialists

Our Teaching Staff have specialist experience and knowledge in Dyslexia.

  • Dyslexia is a learning difference that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling.  Characteristics features of dyslexia are difficulties in phonological awareness, verbal memory and verbal processing speed. Dyslexia occurs across the range of intellectual abilities.  Phoenix completes basic screening for dyslexia that contributes to external assessment.

Dyscalculia Specialists

Our Teaching Staff have specialist experience and knowledge in Dyscalculia:

  • Dyscalculia is a specific and persistent difficulty in understanding numbers which can lead to a diverse range of difficulties with mathematics.  It will be unexpected in relation to age, level of education and experience, and occurs across all ages and abilities.

Language & Literacy Specialists

Our Teaching Staff have specialist experience and knowledge in Language and Literacy.

  • A language delay occurs when a cild's language is developing slower than other children of the same age, but is following the typical pattern of development.  Language development can be affected by the complex interaction of genetic and environmental influences.

Social, Emotional & Mental Health Specialists

Our Learning Support Staff have specialist experience and knowledge in Speech and Language.

  • The Thrive Approach provide those who work with children and young people with the knowledge, skills and tools to optimise social and emotional development, focusing on the relationship with the child or young person so that they are able to engage fully in the educational journey, and are emotionally resilient and better equipped to deal with life’s ups and downs. 

Speech & Language Specialists

Our Teaching Staff have specialist experience and knowledge in Speech and Language.

  • Speech refers to: Speaking with a clear voice, in a way that makes speech interesting and meaningful. Speaking without hesitating too much or without repeating words or sounds. Being able to make sounds like 'k' and 't' clearly, so that people can understand what you say.
  • Communication refers to: Using language or gestures in different ways, for example to have a conversation or to give someone directions.
  • Language refers too: Knowledge and choosing the right words to explain what you mean, joining words together into sentences, stories and conversations. Making sense of what people say.


Suffolk SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service)

Suffolk SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service) is a confidential and impartial information, advice and support service on issues related to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). It is free, easy to access and confidential. We can help children, parents and young people take part in decisions that affect their lives.

We offer information, advice and support to:

  • Children and young people (up to 25 years) with SEND
  • Parents and carers of children with SEND
  • Practitioners (who might support children, young people or parents to access our service)

A link to the Suffolk SENDIASS is here: