Year 3 Skittleball Tournament
Selected pupils in Year 3 will be competing in a Skittleball Tournament on Wednesday 30th April from 1.00p.m. - 3.00p.m. at Pakefield High School.
Selected pupils in Year 3 will be competing in a Skittleball Tournament on Wednesday 30th April from 1.00p.m. - 3.00p.m. at Pakefield High School.
Selected pupils in Year 4 will be competing in a Dodgeball Tournament on Wednesday 2nd April from 1.00p.m. - 4.00p.m. at Pakefield High School.
Reception, Year's 1 & 2 Attendance Awards Assembly on Wednesday 2nd April from 2.45p.m.
Invited parents and carers only (maximum of 2 adults per family).
Year's 3, 4, 5 & 6 Attendance Awards Assembly on Wednesday 2nd April from 9.15a.m.
Invited parents and carers only (maximum of 2 adults per family).
On Friday 21st March, to celebrate Red Nose Day's 40th birthday, children will be taking part in a 'The Floor is Lava Challenge', navigating the school hall on ropes, apparatus, trampettes, pogo sticks and benches, everything to avoid falling into the lava!
Please send children to school in their P.E. kits on this day (no Red Nose Day clothing please).
Children are welcome to bring donations for Red Nose Day.
As part of Science Week, we are inviting all children to create their own model creatures at home to bring into school for judging on Friday 14th March during assembly.
Monday 10th March–Friday 14th March is 'Science Week' at Phoenix St. Peter Academy and the theme is, 'All About Animals', where they live, what they eat, their behaviour and how they adapt.
Children in Years 4, 5 & 6 will be performing at the Marina Theatre for this year's dance festival, celebrating the wonderful world of stories, books and literacy.
The performance will start at 6.00p.m.
Year 4, 5 & 6 children who are taking part in this year's dance festival will have a dress rehearsal at the Marina Theatre on Wednesday 26th March after lunch.
Children in Years 1 & 2 will be attending the Marina Theatre on Tuesday 1st April for their grand performance of the 'Story World Programme'.
Children in Years 1 & 2 will have a technical dress rehearsal on Monday 31st March from 11.45a.m. at the Marina Theatre, Lowestoft.
Children in Years 1 & 2 will have a dress rehearsal in school in preparation for their 'Story World Programme' performance.