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Digital & Online Safety

Through our Computing, Online Learning and Personal, Social, Health & Emotional (PSHE) curriculum, Phoenix St. Peter Academy teaches our pupils the importance of being and remaining safe online. The following resource links provide families with further guidance to support their children at home.

CEOP - Child Exploitation & Online Protection

CEOP is a law enforcement agency and is here to keep children and young people safe from sexual exploitation and abuse. Children, Families and Professionals can report concerns to CEOP using a quick and easy online report.

NSPCC - Net Aware

From advice on gaming to helping manage your child’s wellbeing online, the NSPCC provide a wealth of information, guidance and support to keep you and your child safe online.



Think You Know? - Online Safety for Children

Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. Explore one of the six 'Thinkuknow' website areas for advice about staying safe when you're on a phone, tablet or computer.

Parent Info - Online Advice and Support for Parents

Parent Info provides support and advice to parents, with contributions from the leading experts and organisations in matters related to young people and families in a digital world, including: Games, Apps and Tech, Safety & Settings, Relationships and Sex, Education, Health and Wellbeing.

E-Safety for younger children


Children of all ages enjoy using technology. Many children are able to go online and play games, make video calls to family members, watch videos and their favourite TV shows and even ask Siri or Alexa to play their favourite song!  Lots of children have their own tablets and mobile phones or are able to use their parent’s or friends.

E-Safety means making sure that the ways which children and young people use the internet, mobile phones or social media to communicate are safe.

There are lots of ways to communicate including pictures, videos and messages. As a parent or carer it is important to understand how the internet works, and that anyone can add information, images and videos at any time. It also means that there is nothing stopping children watching things that are aimed at adults.

E-Safety for older children

Young people enjoy using technology. Many regularly go online to play games, use apps, make video calls to friends or family members, watch videos and their favourite TV shows or films and listen to music!

Remember whilst most young people have their own tablets, computers and mobile phones or are able to use their parent’s or friends and can regularly communicate with people that they know and have met face-to-face or people they have met online.

There are lots of different ways to communicate - it can be through pictures, videos, talking to each other or writing messages.

It is important to understand about the internet. The internet is unmanaged, this means that any person can add information, images and videos, and no one person is checking that this is appropriate for others to access. It also means that there is nothing stopping a young person accessing and watching things that are aimed at adults.