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Pupil Premium Funding

Please find our Pupil Premium Strategies and Pupil Premium Impact Statements below.

At Phoenix St. Peter Academy our goal is to raise the attainment of disadvantaged children of all abilities with a sustained focus on improving their life chances so that they may reach their potential regardless of their socio-economic status, family circumstances or cultural background.  We want all children to benefit from our inclusive ethos, excellent teaching and a broad and balanced curriculum that is well sequenced and underpinned by strong leadership.  

At Phoenix St. Peter Academy our staff team work diligently to close the gap in attainment between those children deemed ‘disadvantaged’ and those that are non-disadvantaged, we do this by using a tiered approach to Pupil Premium spending. This will help ensure we balance the priorities of improving teaching and learning, targeted academic support and wider strategies.

Tier 1 – Teaching and whole school strategies
Tier 2 – Targeted support
Tier 3 – Wider school strategies

By investing in improving teaching through professional development, training and support for early carer teachers and recruitment and retention, we will ensure that we have an effective team. All members of our class-based team will be supported to improve their practice.

Through targeted academic support, we will work hard to ensure children identified as needing to catch up with their peers will make accelerated progress.

In addition to academic support, we will provide a range of additional support and interventions to help remove barriers to learning. For example, Thrive, counselling, Young Carers, Nurture and other small group focused programmes.

Maintaining improved rates of attendance and reduced persistent absenteeism is another key focus for our school. The Deputy Headteacher, supported by our Vulnerable pupils team, will provide challenge and support to families of children whose attendance is causing concern.

Raising the achievement of all disadvantaged and vulnerable children is a whole school responsibility and the pupil premium strategy is complementary to our School Development Plan.
Working together we can and do make a huge difference to children’s futures!